Montag, 20. Januar 2014

KalopsiaCollective: International Opportunity - Submission Textile Photography

Textiles is one of the first historical forms of art, but has today, often a lot of negative connotations. Some might think only of quilts and curtains which, yes it is, but it is also so much more than that. We at Kalopsia want to change this and show the diversity of the medium, in all its forms. Kalopsia is a Contemporary Textiles Collective based in the UK. Kalopsia brings attention to this field and sees textiles as a distinct artistic practice which opens up the debate on “What is Textiles”. Kalopsia was founded in 2012 by Textile graduates from Norwich Univeristy of the Arts, all with an unique and different approach to Textiles.
The 21st century has brought a change to Textile art where photography is breaking a new ground in a variety of ways to show, illustrate, experiment and manipulate. Textile Photography can challenge conventional ideas about the art form and confronting us with the unexpected.
Textile Photography can work as a visual inspiration source, work as a technique to show an outcome of surface, be an assortment of traditional and unconventional method within the artform; an exploration of visual sources to discover and showcase the potential for imagery, texture, structure, manipulation and where the creator has explored an alternative possibility within the subject to manipulate existing textile surfaces or to create new ones.
Kalopsia are looking for creators who has explored new avenues to textile and opened it up to thrilling possibilities.

The next exhibition ‘Textile Photography’ will be held at Kalopsia’s Gallery in Edinburgh in February 2014 and Kalopsia are now looking for local and international creators from different fields.

It is free to submit, although accepted submissions will be charged £60. This will go towards promotion, advertising, venue, catalogue, installation and administration.

Deadline for submission: Monday 3rd of February 2014.

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