Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014


The Town of Mulazzo and the Association Montereggio Paese dei Librai / IOB International Organisation of Book Towns, with the support of Carthusia Edizioni and in collaboration with the IBBY Italia and Bologna Children’s Book Fair, presents the first edition of the International SILENT BOOK CONTEST expressly dedicated to Silent Books, that is, illustrated books without words.
The 2014 SILENT BOOK CONTEST will give prize money and publication to an original illustrated and unpublished book project that has been created and produced exclusively through narration by illustrated images.. Given that the illustrated book and the visual language of illustrations and pictures is in no way secondary to written language, with a universal power and potential that supersedes any barrier of language or genre, the SILENT BOOK CONTEST competition invites authors and illustrators to think up and design a book conceived exclusively for the telling of a story through illustrated images, on any subject and intended for a wide and diverse section of the reading public, regardless of genre or age.
From the book designs sent to the competition by the 31st January 2014, an international Jury will select from five to ten finalists to be announced at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair during March 2014. The author of the book project selected as winner by the International Jury will receive an award of Euro 4.500 as advance against copyright with regular publishing contract and the winning book project will be published by CARTHUSIA Edizioni. The book will be presented at the award ceremony to be held in September 2014 at Montereggio di Mulazzo.

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