Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013

Glasgow in Scotland: Exhibition opportunity

Six Foot Gallery provides a platform for contemporary art practitioners, nationally and internationally. We are based in Glasgow, Scotland and support emerging and established artists through workshops, exhibitions and residencies.
The Six Foot Gallery is currently accepting proposals for the three week open submission exhibition. The title of this group show is Memory/ Reminiscence.
If you wish to participate then send four images of your work that demonstrates this theme for consideration by the 21st of May. All art forms accepted, however with film work please note the gallery have a data projector but no other equipment so the artist would have to supply this if successful. Hanging of the exhibition takes place on the 28th so accepted work will have to be handed in to the gallery prior to this date. £10 entry submission per piece with maximum of four pieces per artist.
The deadline is Tuesday 21 May 2013 at 00:00.

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