Sonntag, 14. Januar 2018


ON PAPER is a project to promote the art of printmaking and develop connections between printmakers around the world. It is based in Barcelona and run by an art association with Nuria Melero as a main organiser. The On Paper Award first prize is 1000€.  The second prize, 300€, will be for the print with the most creative printing process.  The Awagami Factory sponsors The Awagami Paper Award – 100 sheets of Awagami editioning paper worth 500€. Artists can submit one piece of work on a paper size of 300mm x 400mm. Deadline is April 1st.  The international jury will select 10-15 shortlisted artists.  The artists with more votes will receive the Awards. The shortlisted artists for the On PAPER Award 2018 will be exhibited in the Spike Print Studio at Spike Island, Bristol (UK) in summer 2018. Submission to the contest has a fee of 26€, payable via PayPal.Deadline for submission is April 1st 2018.  The application process is entirely online at 

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