Mittwoch, 3. Juli 2013

Australia: Square Kilometre Array Art Price 2013

Seeing Stars is a celebration of art and astronomy inspired by the world’s largest telescope – the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) which will be co-hosted here in Australia!
Using the inspiration of the SKA, artists and would-be artists are invited to create original pieces of artwork expressing the excitement and mystery of the SKA and its potential for discovery. Seeing Stars is open to 2D graphic mediums including painting, drawing, textiles and prints of digital art. Mediums not accepted include photography, installations or other craft.
The 2013 SKA Art Prize is open to Australian citizens, permanent residents and any person with a student visa in Australia.
Artwork should be based around one or more of the five ‘themes’ identified below, which align with the five research areas for the SKA.

The themes are
1. The birth of stars and galaxies
2. The mysteries of dark energy
3. Alien life
4. The genius of Einstein
5. Giant magnetic fields of space

Entries closed by 05 July 2013.

More information:

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